Membership Reaffirmation Form

Continuing to acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life, I affirm my continuing membership with Community Church of East Gloucester. I have reviewed and understood the church’s doctrinal statement, as well as its statement of mission, vision and distinctives. I continue in my decision to partner with Community Church according to these articulations of the heart and direction of this church as we together seek to make disciples for the glory of Christ and the good of the city.

I am a regular attender of Community Church and I commit to contributing my time and energy to the church by using the gifts and abilities the Lord has given me to support the ministry and work of the body. I commit to a lifestyle of extravagant generosity, which includes giving to the church as a declaration of God’s rule over all areas of my life and an expression of thankful worship for the Lord’s provision.

I willingly submit myself to the leadership of the church in matters of Christian faith and practice, asking the church as a community to keep me accountable to the faith I profess. I commit myself to growing in my relationship with Jesus Christ toward Christian maturity for the glory of God. Should my lifestyle cease to be consistent with a growing, maturing faith, I ask the church to intervene with love and grace in matters of church discipline.

I recognize that I continue to have the opportunity to meet with an elder to discuss any questions or concerns I might have about the church or my own life before signing and submitting this reaffirmation, and I have taken that opportunity if it was necessary.