The Good News
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(Summer 2018)  This summer we will be celebrating "The Good News" of the gospel, and how God has good news for each of us yesterday, today, and tomorrow in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The Bible paints us a picture of how good and how newsworthy the gospel is through beautiful metaphors. God uses these metaphors in scripture to display the good news in a way that meets each and every one of us in our deepest needs. Join us this summer as we seek to hear afresh, or perhaps for the first time, how good and how newsworthy is "The Good News" that has forever changed our world! 

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Giving is a Heart Condition

(June 2018)  No one is comfortable when the church starts talking about money. So let’s do it. The Bible talks a lot about money. Sixteen of Jesus’ parables are about money or possessions. One out of every ten verses in the Gospels deal directly with the subject of money. The Bible offers around 500 verses on prayer and around 500 verses on faith, but more than 2000 verses deal with money and possessions. So let’s get uncomfortable together, because giving is a reflection of what’s going on in our hearts. Join us for the month of June as we learn that giving is a heart condition!

Listen! Jesus is Praying

(April - May 2018) We continue teaching through the Gospel of John this spring, and we come to one of the most intimate, beautiful and powerful prayers in all of Scripture — when Jesus the Son prays to the Father just before the inexorable events of his betrayal, arrest, crucifixion… and resurrection. He prays out loud so that his disciples (then and now) can eavesdrop on his relationship with the Father, catching a glimpse of God’s purposes in Christ and His unrelenting, self-giving love for us all.

Farewell: Jesus' Words of Life in the Face of Death

(February - April 2018) We’re picking back up where we last left off in the Gospel of John. This winter, we’ll be studying Jesus’ last words to His disciples at the last supper — an intimate dinner with people he loved. From footwashings to new commandments, and from betrayal to denial, Jesus instructs his disciples on how to live knowing full well that he was about to die… and rise again.

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Waiting For Jesus

(December 2017) We’ve just spent the fall discovering “the Big Story of the Bible.” This advent season, we’ll see the big story of the manger! From the opening pages of the Bible, Jesus has always been our great Rescuer. Join us this December as the sanctuary is darkened and as the candles are lit; we’ll be singing carols and preaching through storytelling. And through it all, we will be waiting for Jesus: We will look to learn from those who waited for Jesus to come… as we wait for him to come back again!

The Big Story of the Bible

(September - November 2017) The Bible is not just a random collection of spiritual-ish writings from across a few thousand years.  It’s actually one, big story that communicates to us a single, coherent, consistent, and beautiful story of God and his interaction with humanity.  If you’re new to faith in Jesus, or if you’re just checking out church, or if you’ve been a Christian forever, this series will equip you to understand the Bible’s big story – from Genesis to Revelation – and to understand who Jesus is and what He has accomplished for us.  Join us this fall for the whole Bible… in 8 weeks.

Why Church?

(September 2017) We have to admit it: being a part of a church is unusual these days. So why do we do it? Join us this September as we explore both what we are called to do as a church, and how we’re called to be doing it.
