September 3, 2023 Worship Online


This Sunday,

This Sunday we have the privilege of slowing down and worshiping our Lord Jesus together by sharing our stories of His faithfulness and goodness in our lives! Sharing Sundays like this have become a rhythm in the life of our church, where every few months we get to hit "pause" on the exegetical teaching portion (preaching) in our service for a week, and instead we spend that time sharing testimonies and stories of the Lord's goodness, faithfulness, and powerful love as we respond in worship to our God.

In preparation for Sunday, we want to invite you to reflect on the following questions:

How have you experienced God's faithfulness in this current season of your life?


How has that experience of God's faithfulness drawn you closer to the Lord?

You will have opportunity during the service to share with our church some of these brief, 1-2 minute snapshots of your recent experiences of God's faithfulness--whether you've seen Him in beautiful, refreshing, celebratory times, or if He's been faithfully present with you in some of the hard, uncertain, still in-process challenges you've encountered.

Sharing our stories of God’s faithfulness allows the body of Christ to be encouraged and challenged, and it provides the opportunity for us to respond to one-another in rejoicing and celebration, or prayer and encouragement, as we walk together following Jesus. Ultimately, these Sharing Sundays give us a chance to respond in worship together for all that the Lord is doing in our lives. They may be our own stories and experiences we are sharing, but make no mistake, Jesus is the main character, and He gets all the glory!

We hope you'll be able to join us for our time of worship on Sunday, to encourage and be encouraged by one another as we worship our Lord together. Keep reading below to find out more about what's happening in the life of the church and how you can get involved or connect with others as we seek to grow one step closer to Jesus together.




Giving is an act of worship that acknowledges that God is the giver of all we have, and that we are stewards of His resources. We offer our tithes as a concrete act of entrusting all of our lives to Jesus. There are three ways you can give:



If you’re joining us in person on a Sunday morning, you can give your gift in the plates up front when it’s time to bring them forward during the worship service.


You can use our online giving platform by clicking the button below to make a one-time gift or to set up a recurring gift. There is a small fee for making an online transaction.


You can contact your bank and set up an automatic bill pay, which is free in most cases. Many use this option for their regular monthly tithe.


Regardless of you how give, we see giving as one way we can reflect the heart and character of our God, who “so loved the world that He gave…” everything for us (John 3:16).




Submit a Prayer Request: Share with one another the needs, challenges, and joys that you, your family, your neighbors, and your workplaces are going through during this time. Prayer requests can be shared with the prayer team and leadership team.

Spend Some Time in Prayer: This morning, we invite you to pray for the needs you’re aware of in our community and beyond, and we also invite you pray over what was shared or discovered as you participate in worship with us.

Share a Photo or Video: Here you have an opportunity to post a video, photo, or selfie from different groups and families to share with one another. Take a selfie with Worship Online in the background! Hold up signs! Express your gratitude and celebrate being a part of Community Church!


Matt Nilan