As part of our response to suspending our large all-church gathering for worship during our intentional commitment to care for our neighbors and city during the Covid-19 outbreak, we are posting an interactive worship service online. Before you begin worship, we’d invite you to take a look at the resources below and determine how your group can share in leading one another into worship this Sunday.

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Sunday School

Parents, as you are now the ‘Sunday School Teachers’ for your kids, we have prepared this tool to help you guide your kids into the rest of the service. We encourage you to watch alongside of your kids and participate together.

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Call To Worship

Choose someone from your group to read the call to worship, or read it out loud yourself.

Read: Psalm 18:1-2

Welcome & Announcements

This mornings welcome and announcements:

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Worship in Song

We invite you to either sing along at the top of your voice, or to reflect on the words of these worship songs as our community church band leads us in worship!

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Click on the video below to watch the sermon for this week. This week, we’re studying John 19:25-27 as we continue in our series on the 7 Words of Jesus from the cross.

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Going Deeper

If you are worshipping with your family or others, talk through these things as a time of fellowship in worship. If you are watching alone - make sure to call someone else who watched alone today to talk through.

  1. What does it mean to you to see Jesus compassion for other’s grief and potential loneliness as he hung on the cross for us? Remember the words of Isaiah 53, that Jesus was “familiar with pain”.

  2. What are some creative ways you can be socially distant but spiritually intimate with your family and church family this week?

  3. There is a challenge to John and Mary in Jesus words on the cross, to do the hard work of being family for each other. Caring for the church family isn’t easy, pray that God would change our hearts together and give us wisdom to love well, especially in this season.

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Community Updates

Share with one another the needs, challenges, and joys that you, your family, your neighbors, and your workplaces are going through during this time. Submit a prayer request to either our prayer/leadership teams or to be shared with the whole church. Here you have an opportunity to post a video, photo, or selfie from different groups and families to share with one another

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Take this opportunity to lift up your voices to God. We have collected some submitted prayer requests that will be shared on the community prayer wall. If you need a guide, use the A.C.T.S. prayer guide as tool if you’d like.


Invite someone to read the benediction passage as an encouragement and pronouncement over our church together.

Read: Colossians 3:12-17


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Tithes & Offerings

As you conclude in worship, take time to login to either the link below, tike time to mail a check, or reach out to your bank. Remember that our tithes and offerings are a continued act of worship and are a physical act of entrusting all of our lives to Jesus. Our Lenten Giving to Amirah can also be done through this same link (please remember that we would encourage you that our Lenten Giving is only above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings)